10. Stop relying on internal recruiters to save money. There are many talented internal recruiters but most have expertise in the industry they work in not the area of law. It’s asking too much to expect them to get up to speed in an area they’re not deeply entrenched.
9. Stop using executive retained search firms to hire your legal staff. These search firms are not attorney placement specialists and are therefore not equipped to manage your searches as effectively as a legal search firm with recruiters who speak to attorneys on a daily basis.
8. Stop using multiple search firms. Using one search firm that you trust will encourage a collaborative relationship and ensure that a uniform and accurate message is being delivered to the marketplace.
7. Make sure the hiring manager is available to discuss the open search with the recruiting firm at the outset. This will prove invaluable to the hiring manager and will arm your search firm partner with the requisite information he or she needs to source for the best candidate.
6. Make sure your job description isn’t too broad. The broader the job description the more likely you are going to be inundated with inappropriate resumes. Focus on the crucial skill-set and, if it really is a multi-faceted position, discuss the breadth of the role during the interview.
5. Take the time to provide meaningful interview feedback to your search firm partner. “He or she just isn’t the right fit” isn’t going to cut it. You need to truly develop a collaborative relationship with your search firm partner and providing detailed feedback on candidate interview performance is vital in establishing such a relationship.
4. Start hiring “best athletes” especially in esoteric practice areas with limited candidate supply. Practice area expertise is important but often times can be learned and developed quickly. Talent can’t be taught.
3. Start hiring “older” attorneys. You’ll find they are generally more experienced with problem solving and decision-making. Further, many older attorneys are past the early stages of child-raising and have more time to commit to their job.
2. Start being more flexible about telecommuting. This will expand your candidate pool significantly and employees will reward your flexibility with hard work and loyalty.
1. Streamline your interview process. Anything longer than two full rounds is unnecessary and can turn the best candidates off. Remember that a candidate’s time is valuable too.